Empowering Nonprofits: Integrating Wealth Tools in Salesforce

As nonprofits strive to make a positive impact on society, managing their financial resources efficiently is crucial. Integrating wealth management tools into Salesforce can revolutionize the way nonprofits handle their fundraising, donor management, and financial planning. Let’s explore the benefits of leveraging wealth management tools within Salesforce and the steps to successfully implement these tools.

Why Integrate Wealth Management Tools into Salesforce?

  1. Streamlined Data Management: Far too often we’ve seen nonprofits that pay for wealth management tools but under-utilize them because development staff has to intentionally search out a prospect or donor’s profile and rating (capacity & propensity) in a separate software that they rarely access.

    Allowing development staff to quickly view a wealth management rating and profile right on the Salesforce Contact record will not only encourage staff to further explore highly rated Contacts that they’re engaging with, but it is also easier to run reports and segment Contacts for easier portfolio management.

  2. Enhanced Donor Engagement: Wealth management tools offer valuable insights into donors' giving capacity, investment preferences, and philanthropic interests. Nonprofits can leverage this data to tailor their outreach and engagement strategies, thereby building stronger relationships with donors.

    For example, if you know your donor supports many arts organizations, why not customize your communications to highlight the art-related work your nonprofit is doing?

  3. Targeted Fundraising Efforts: With access to donors' financial data and wealth indicators, nonprofits can segment their donor base more effectively. This segmentation allows them to prioritize outreach to major donors or potential planned giving prospects, resulting in a more efficient and targeted fundraising process.

    We hear all of the time that personalizing an ask is key. However, many development departments don’t know how to segment their audience for the right level ask. Using wealth management tools can guide you in deciding what giving levels are most appropriate for various donor groups (aka segments).

  4. Informed Financial Planning: By integrating wealth management tools, nonprofits can create comprehensive financial plans that align with donors' giving patterns and investment preferences. This proactive approach ensures that the organization's financial health remains stable and sustainable in the long run.

Steps to Integrate Wealth Management Tools into Salesforce 

  • Define Objectives and Identify Suitable Tools: Start by outlining your organization's goals and requirements for integrating wealth management tools into Salesforce. Research and identify reputable wealth management apps or platforms that seamlessly integrate with Salesforce. Ensure that the selected tools align with your nonprofit's specific needs. Our favorite software is iWave. It not only has a user-friendly interface, but the data is comprehensive, the price is affordable for many nonprofits, and the Salesforce integration is seamless and easy to navigate.

  • Data Security and Compliance: Prioritize data security and privacy. Choose wealth management tools that comply with industry-standard security measures and relevant regulations, such as GDPR or CCPA. Safeguarding donor information is essential to maintain trust and credibility.

  • Data Migration and Integration: Efficiently migrate existing donor and financial data into the wealth management tools. Ensure that the integration process is seamless, avoiding any data loss or inconsistencies. Whichever provider you select should be able to assist you with the migration and provide tools to make the integration easy to implement.

  • Data Analysis and Decision-Making: Utilize the wealth management tools to generate actionable insights from the data collected. Analyze donor giving patterns, identify potential major donors, and make informed financial decisions based on the information at hand.

    A great way to implement this is to develop an ongoing process around evaluation and actions. For example, include a 5-minute update on potential major gift donors and next steps in your weekly team meeting. By integrating some level of report-out related to analysis, recommended strategy and/or next steps, your team will slowly start adopting these processes in their daily donor management routines.

  • Donor Stewardship and Personalization: Having wealth management tools available alone won’t build relationships with your donors. Be sure to utilize the information collected in the screening to further customize stewardship activities and further personalize interactions. Don’t forget to track all those activities on the Contact or Account record as well!

By seamlessly integrating wealth management tools into Salesforce, individual fundraising staff gain powerful tools to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. With access to valuable insights and streamlined data management, they can tailor personalized outreach, identify major donors, and make informed decisions; ultimately fostering stronger donor relationships and maximizing fundraising potential.


A Quick Overview: Donor Segmentation for Fundraising Appeals


Step Away From the Computer & Connect With Your Donors